While staying at home all day every day, there is enough time to learn a new skill. If you are keen on bringing your Instagram photos to the next level, then this post is for you. Here are my all time favorite photo (and video) editing apps that I’ve been using to create my Instagram feed:
Lightroom is a powerful editing tool. I use it to edit all my Instagram photos with the same preset (aka filter), in order to have a cohesive feed. You can change almost every aspect of your photo. It takes a bit of time to understand each tool, but it will change your editing game and transform your pictures into their best version.
Tezza App is a favorite of mine. I use it to edit photos, videos and sometimes my story as well. Besides amazing filters, you can add dust to your photos and videos and also create a vintage effect. Here is how. Templates and frames for pictures and videos is another feature of the Tezza App. It’s truly an app that has it all!
If you ever had a photo that you loved, but the sky was just too grey, too cloudy and overall just not pretty, then Enlight Quickshot is the app for you. Quickshot is an photo editing app, however, I only use the sky feature. You can replace the dull sky with one of the many options in the app. That one detail can have the biggest impact on the picture. Here is a short tutorial that I did.
TouchRetouch is a great to0l, if you want to make unwanted objects like people in the background of your picture disappear. It’s super easy and self-explanatory to use. There are basically two functions: the brush tool and the copy tool. Here is how I use the app.
Another photo editing app that I use frequently is Afterlight. Similar to Tezza App, you can choose a dust effect on your picture to create a vintage vibe. You can see here how to use it.